Finally. At long last. The triumphant Dead Dog returns, and with new music for you to download! I was in Ontario for a few months and since I've been back I just got stuck in a rut and never got around to updating, and I'm sorry. Nevertheless, I'm back and I come bearing gifts. Enter Fred Frith's Gravity. From it's opening cackle and on this album is absolutely raaad. This is basically his first solo record aside from Guitar Solos, a melodic blend of acoustic guitar solos (if I remember correctly), and it's one of my fav's of his. If you're not familiar with Frith then fucking grab this already. While yr at it grab my previous Frith post too, Cheap At Half The Price (1983).
Golden nuggets of goodness is what these are! Dig it...
Also, i'm trying out a new upload service so let me know if there's any problems downloading!
- DD
thank you for this, great stuff.
This album never gets old--what progressive rock can and should be. Recently reviewed it on my blog here. Great blog!
Thank you!
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