Soooooooo good! Lee Hazlewood has to be one of the greatest voices in music history, and his songs are always so haunting. This is no exception. You like The Moldy Peaches' Adam Green? He took everything he knows from Hazlewood (and Beck)! Nancy Sinatra also delivers some wholly gorgeous vocal melodies on this record. Superb psychedelic-country-spook music for forbidden lovers and outlaws. At times it's completely chilling. I dig it way more then the first Sinatra/Hazlewood collaboration, despite Some Velvet Morning leaving the mix. I really like Arkansas Coal (Suite) and Down From Dover (check out Sinatras voice at the end of the song!), and Got It Together has one of the coolest openings ever ("ohhh suffer alone Jerry Reid, cuz Hazlewood's pickin' tonight!"). Who's got the god damn coke machine?!
Get it in yous...
TRACK LIST: 1. Arkansas Coal (Suite) (5:36) / 2. Big Red Balloon (4:17) / 3. Friendship Train (3:33) / 4. Paris Summer (2:56) / 5. Congratulations (3:05) / 6. Down From Dover (3:35) / 7. Did You Ever (2:53) / 8. Tippy Toes (2:51) / 9. Back On The Road (2:21) / 10. Got It Together (3:58)