This is the best Link Wray album I've ever heard! If you're a fan at all then get it, and if you're not a fan of Link Wray then get the heck on out of yr seat and jump for joy, 'cause this is gonna be fun! If you know nothing about him all you need to know is that he IS rock and roll. The coolest version of the Batman theme ever, and one of the coolest garage songs ever (Hidden Charms), and tons of incredible garage rock surf guitar licks to shred yr face! If you don't dig it then you probably dont dig much, and theres something desperately wrong with you!! Pure rock and roll goodness from one of the kings!
"Batman shall I start the nuclear power for the batmobile?!" / "Right again, Robin!" / "OK Batman!"
Get it ya bunch of crums...
TRACK LIST: 1. Batman Theme / 2. Ace Of Spades / 3. Cross Ties / 4. Jack The Ripper / 5. Hidden Charms / 6. I'm Branded / 7. The Shadow Knows / 8. Fat Back / 9. Run Chicken Run / 10. Black Widow / 11. Scatter / 12. Turnpike U.S.A. / 13. Mr. Guitar / 14. Rumble