"A totally enthused compilation of some exceptional, fuzzed out, psych-rock from Cambodia. Dig it long and hard fug puffers, it'll wallop yr face!" - DD
Ejwuusl Wessahqqan Ejwuusl Wessahqqan (1971, Self Released) (Re-released on Garden Of Delights, 1996)
"Sounding like Ray Manzarek, or The Doors in general for that matter, infused with a rough and gruff krautastic trudge, this magnificent record will pound on into the cosmos for days. Not too big on the "bonus tracks" though." - DD
"Some remarkably delicious Bollywood moog/sitar funk-psychedelia courtesy of R.D. Burman and his immensely innovative style. Side note; this has possibly the coolest sleeve in history! Dig on my progeny!" - DD
“A dark and brooding affair, Haackula is the apex of outsider electronica. Dig it long and hard brothers and sisters, for it is a genuine masterpiece. A bastion of experiment and personal exploration.” - DD
“More golden nuggets of psychedelic sunshine, courtesy of the king. Painted Garden is an elegant record, with such meticulous care taken on each song. It’s aggravating to know that these wonderful sounds are so foolishly overlooked by the majority. Greg Ashley is the working mans Phil Spector.” - DD
Ruth White 7 Trumps From The Tarot Cards (1968, Limelight)
“If Bruce Haack were a 1931 horror movie about a mad scientist and his loveable little monster, I think this would be the 1935 sequel entitled Bride of Bruce Haack, and it would be much more disturbed. Enjoy!” - DD
C.C.C.C. & Nocturnal Emissions The Beauty Of Pollution (1996, Endorphine Factory)
“Some supremely fuzzed out harshness à la Debbie Does Dallas! Listen as two of the masters beat the living shit out of each other in an apocolyptic battle for absolute control over the galaxies!” - DD
“This such is a beautiful album, so far beyond anything X-Ray Spex ever dreamed of doing. It’s very calm and flowing and for that I adore it. Dig it while in bed, or laying on the beach!” - DD
Jackpine Savage (AKA Bruce Haack ) Together (1971, Dimension 5)
"A seemingly more personal outing than some of his "psychedelic-education" records for kids, and not as menacing as Haackula (which I'll be posting soon enough kiddies!), Together is still every bit as anomalous as anything Haack! Dig this electronic belle in all its splendor!" - DD
Charlie Mcalister I'll See You In Hell (2001, Tape Mountain)
"This is pure, primal, scattered and hissy. It's banjo-bangin', tape-collagin, genuine-article genius! If you can see him live, go! If you see any of his (more than 70) releases, buy 'em! Meanwhile, dig this swamptastic bop'n sludge and enthusiastically go forth into the murky waters! Heeeere's Charlie!" - DD
"Not unlike some euphoric transmigration, a voyage through space and time. Nocturnal Emissions are one of those "bands" you never know what to expect from, and this time out it's pure tranquility" - DD
"More gallantly shrill goodies from the Jesus-mange itself. Way up there with Merzzow, this is among my favourites of Akita's work. A sonic powerhouse, commisioned by Plan-DX17 to be a 'psychedelic noise experience'. Success!" - DD
"Influenced by the German krautrock scene, this is some holy Japanese psychedelia drawing similarities to such heavyweights as Can and Faust. Kick out the fudge, motha fuckus!" - DD
"With similarities (vocally) to The Frogs and Mark E. Smith, and monstrous sonic outbursts similar to This Heat, Lemon Kittens still manage to sound unlike anything else, and truly showcase that here. I'd forgotten about them until someone recently commented on a previous post. Enjoy this, it's fucking rad!" -DD
"Probably my favourite of Reed's solo records, this unbelievably catchy hoard of rock'n'roll goodness is far too often dismissed. Listen again you dumb bastards! It's pure gold!" - DD
"This is my personal favourite of the many Manson recordings, though most who I've shown aren't as fond. It's essentially a meandering trudge of spur of the moment mumblings, and entirely delicious. Dig in!" - DD
"I was reminded of this recently while on a road trip to Boston and figured I'd share it. I often describe it to people as a contemporary Brian Eno, and though not nearly as evocative I think that holds up. Electro-pop-rock with a dash of punk." - DD
"Recorded with an Electric Music Box this goes from almost indistinguishable blips and drones to menacing intergalactic warbots coaxed by a fluttering rhythm. Very hypnotic but very interesting as well." - Modo
Masayuki Takayanagi New Direction Unit Mass Hysterism In Another Situation (2006, Jinya Disc)
"Never have I heard Masayuki Takayanagi so filled with fervour. Recorded live in 1983, this is a beast. It has horns. In a pit of flames. And you are small. You are nothing!" - Modo
The curator of this blog also runs a small label, MAGIC MOTHER, specializing in small run vinyl and cassette releases.
Disclaimer: These albums are for promotional and preview purposes only. Please delete them within 24 hours. If you like an album support the artist and buy it!
This is how you're supposed to listen to this shit. It's not supposed to
sound perfect. No one busts out a '70s country record so you can check out
tac - Next
*A comment hit out of the blue but at an opportune time. If you missed this
majestic collection first time around, you are forgiven.*
Maybe you haven't...
Descargar Controlador para Brother MFC-J6947DW
Hola querido lector, ¿estás buscando el controlador para tu impresora
Brother MFC-J6947DW? ¡Estás en el lugar correcto! En este artículo, te
Kalyanji Anandji: Aamne Saamne (1967)
[image: Aamne Saamne]
Kalyanji Anandji's 1960s output isn't generally as immediately
attention-grabbing as that from the following decade, yet as has been ...
Soul Lounge Volume 3
A collection of soulful lounge grooves and breaks
if you dig it, pass it around, post it up
Break worthy lounge funk!!
*Milk Crate Breaks Proudly Pre...
Just a small update to let everyone know that some major vinyl rarities
from the Mutant Sound archive are being auctioned currently and auctions
will be co...
Ladytron - Ladytron (2019)
[image: buy it]
they're back and their music is still good. buy the album by clicking the
cover. shoegaze with a slight industrial and synth vibe. good fu...
Freddie King - Getting Ready (1971)
Here you have a blue blast folks. Freddie King has that dive bomb vibrato
thing going on on his blues leads that sound like a more monstrous fuzzed
out v...
Cribreath - Live Frying Demo
No info but you can bet we got John Olson on here making synth noise in two
hard panned left and right channels again. This one's a little more sparse
Afton - First Day of Summer (us 1977)
Afton - First Day of Summer (us 1977)
Formed: Danville, VA, United States
* Dane "Do Do" Williams (electric guitar, vocals),
* Jim Dooley (keyb...
It's the (slight) return of Zoogz Toozday!
Like a cross between cartoon soundtracks and free jazz, side 1 of this 1987
cassette-only release is a sprawling...
Step Chant Unit - Painting Pictures (1985)
Finally, a new post. This 12" is pretty pop for this blog, but visits us
all the way from New Zealand, so the least I can do is give it a fair
shake. St...
You No Longer Need to Beware of the Blog
After ten fun-filled years, we're packing up shop here at WFMU's Beware of
the Blog. Many thanks to the dozens of volunteer authors who put in so much
House & Hawk - A Toast To Life
Hello again friends! I wanted to alert anyone who still reads/visits this
blog that my band House & Hawk has released it's second LP "A Toast To
Life" - An...
Beautiful Blue Wind
I found this magical 45 a few years ago and have been meaning to post it
ever since. Hailing from Upstate New York, they craft a nice basement
spell wi...
Free Gps Software Windows Xp
Surge suppressors are installed in-line on the free gps software windows xp
a few feet. The system rapidly fell into disrepair fallowing the free gps
Diet bagi Pasien Kanker Kelenjar Getah Bening
*Diet Saat Kemoterapi untuk kanker kelenjar getah bening*
*Diet bagi Pasien Kanker Kelenjar Getah Bening* - Menurut The Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society, kank...
Synanon & The Game
In many ways, the roots of the Troubled Teen Industry can be found in
Synanon, the California community that started in 1959 as a rehabilitation
program ...
The Residents - "Baby Sex" (unreleased tape) 1971
Well you can't get away with this these days,unless you're called Jimmy
In the light of that hideous prick from the Lost Prophets(an arrestable...
Repost: MARC JEFFREY "Playtime" (US, 1990)
Back in 80`s , *Marc Jeffrey* was the leader (singer + guitarist) of New
York`s BAND OF OUTSIDERS, a group that never became well known (even in the
See ya later Creepscanner
Not that anyone reads this anymore, but I figure I should probably just let
those people who e-mail me asking for reups down easy by just cancelling
If Then Else - warhead (1981)
If-Then-Else's *Warhead* stands as one of the lost monuments of the
Post-Punk era.
It's intentions are made clear with opener "Hey Big Oil", that sounds...
LOAD Discography
The internet is a buzz with the sad news of Bob Johnston's death. Sucks it
would take this horrible occasion to light a fire under my ass to get you
the ...
☼ Haare – Rautapilvi LP [single-sided]
Here's the latest rarity from Haare, the Finnish occult sound-smasher,
presenting a new 20 minute work of ritualistic terror! A very eerie and
Hi Everyone!
It's been ages, I am sorry I know that I owe a lot of you packages, life
threatening personal matters came up which resulted in the the 2 main...
Occupy The World -1%
VATICAN CITY—The Vatican on Wednesday said it was preparing a series of
proposals for reforming the global financial system that would include the
Long time no see
Hi everyone. I've been getting alot of requests lately and some comments
that I should continue with my blog, and I appreciate it very much. And it
Kubikie-The Sandwich Meets The Sun
Chicago, IL
Hard to describe this one but goddamn is it good. It drones, it rocks out,
it lulls, it awakens. Do no...
From Sapporo (on the northern island of Hokkaido), CTR play guttural, raw,
anti-social god-son of GISM punk, and put a lot of effort into
their outfits, po...
V.A. :: Funky Tales .(1997)
* ( Southern Fried Funk - 1967 /1976 - Soul - R'n'B )*
Although the Nashville-based Excello label is primarily known for its
recordings of Louisiana swa...
Deutsche Elektronische Musik
Deutsche Elektronische Musik
Experimental German Rock and Electronic Music 1972-83
Soul Jazz Records, 2010
1. Can — Aspectacle
2. Between — Dev...
Rova and the Nels Cline Singers - Head Count
(no image available)
Some dude emailed me this one song. Usually I wouldn't review just one
song, let alone upload it, but this is Nels Cline doing experim...
I bought some new buff coloured desert boots, but when I look at them on my
feet, they have baby shoeish proportions. They were very cheap, they're
some un...
Lightning Bolt - Hypermagic Mountain
2005. load
Underneath all the scuzz and spasm, though, they're a groove band, hustling
a hard-edged experimentalism you don't have to work hard to enjoy.
Alien Sex Fiend - Here Cum Germs
Band: Alien Sex Fiend
Album: Here Cum Germs
Year: ...
Country: UK
Genre: Deathrock
01 - The Impossible Mission
02 - Here Cum Germs (Rav...
Various Artists - Oddities Volumes 1 & 2
To celebrate the opening of my new blog Audio Oddities here are two
excellent volumes of Oddities for your listening pleasure. Lots of oddities
are on th...
Phantom Limb & Bison - s/t
great, simple drone music. "waiting for my man" is ten lilting minutes of
looping keyboard bliss and "bright yellow r...
Mordhell - Cut Yourself And Die (2004)
**Band: *Mordhell
**Album:* Cut Yourself And Die
**Year: *1999
**Style:* Black Metal
**Country*: Poland
**Format:* mp3@CBR192
**Size:* 33 Mb.