Thursday, May 26, 2016

Moondog - 100th Birthday Celebration (2016)
100th Birthday Celebration (2016, Buffalo Tones Collection)

"Were he still alive and well, today would mark the 100th birthday of the prodigious Louis Thomas Hardin. A legend and trailblazer in his time, the Viking of 6th Avenue always amazed and bewildered those who were able to experience him. His music was broad and alluring and I invite all of you to share today with me, to celebrate genius at work on the centenary of Moondog. So please dig in freaks and geeks, and chewww 'dem all day long!" - DD

Monday, May 2, 2016

MX-80 Sound - Hard Attack (1977)
MX-80 Sound
Hard Attack (1977, Island Records)

"Maximum jams supreme! If you haven't heard Hard Attack then you should immediately. Jangly, wirey, punk-rock and roll with delish vocal posturing, the likes of which would make Stephen Malkmus and Co. blush like school girls. For '77, it's from another planet and would be well and comfy bumping shoulders with the flannel elite of the mid 90's. I'm pretty bummed I didn't binge this hard when I was 16 but at least I've got it now. Jam on loud and proud pretty kiddies, summer summer!!!" - DD