Thursday, January 26, 2017

Carbon Colossal - The Disassembly of Earth (2017) (EP)
Carbon Colossal
The Disassembly of Earth (EP) (2017, Self Released)

"Maximum gnarlage! This beaster is so much fun. Guitars squealing, drums blasting, vocals wailing and grunting and destroying the universe; it's got everything you want in a black metal album and doesn't waste too much time meandering or building up. Dig in and drown scuzzmuffins!" - DD

Monday, January 23, 2017

Death Grips - Bottomless Pit (2016)
Death Grips
Bottomless Pit (2016, Harvest / Third Worlds)

"Hello all, I figured I'd start this year with one of my favourite albums from last year. In my mind this is without doubt the best thing Death Grips have released since Exmilitary. It's pulsing, fierce and more so than many of their albums, I find, meaty. There is something thick inside these tunes worth blasting into your ears repeatedly. Dig in and chew it fuglies, and welcome to the Trump world of 2017!" - DD