Monday, December 7, 2015

CM von Hausswolff - Three Overpopulated Cities Built By Short-sighted Planners, An Unbalanced And Quite Dangerous Airport And An Abandoned Church (2004)
CM von Hausswolff
Three Overpopulated Cities Built By Short-sighted Planners, An Unbalanced And Quite Dangerous Airport And An Abandoned Church (2004, Sub Rosa)

"Another von Hausswolff dronepocalypse for you fugly ducks. I find this one quite soothing, the low tones specifically make me lull into my warm and friendly safe space, but it's likely not for everyone. To gain a better understanding of intention I suggest reading the label's write up on the purchase page linked below, and for those into lofty soundscapes and slow trips I say dig in and chew it friends!" - DD

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