Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Rupa - Disco Jazz (1982)
Disco Jazz (1982, The Megaphone Company)

"For some reason writing any kind of meaningful review or description for this has been so daunting and just hanging over me for the past couple weeks, so rather than delay any longer I'm just going to post it so you can enjoy and we can move on. Terrific snazz-jams to kill any summer bummer, crammed with redonka-guitar lickery and loads of dope grooves. Dig in and chew the fat you funky 'lil fuddies!" - DD


Microflora said...

So good! Thank you.

Capt. GreenCloud said...

Thanks so much for sharing! - This sounds great right now - very much appreciated!
Cheers from Qualicum Beach

Dead Dog said...

You're very welcome!!